Sunday, July 22, 2012

What Happened Instead of Ballet

I stayed fit with gymnastics.

I guess, I had ended up doing my own thing before it was time to buckle down and pick up an activity.  I gained weight sometime between age 4 and 4 1|2 when my brother was born.  I started ballet at 5 and seemed to have a bigger face and head, which I didn't like.  Well, I wasn't fat fat, and I didn't look like chubby.  It seems like it was worse than being Chinese.  I do have Native American.

It was very different in the 80s.  There was a lot to do.  It was just fun at home.

So, I started to learn to type when I was, probably, 5 or 6.  Maybe 7.

Like, in the 80s, even 90s, there was this certain feeling of like all these ideas and feelings and things surrounding you.

It seems I looked good for my birthdays, at age 3 and 4, but I guess I should have done ballet.  It would have been the smart thing to do.  I know my parents would let me.  At 5, they told me to pick one ... or I could do both, but I guess less.  I don't know how much ballet there was, but I went once a week.  When we were told to pick a song to dance to individually, everyone knew one but me.  Also, the boombox got stolen and we saw muddy footprints.  Our house was attempted to be broken into 3 times here, once or twice successfully.  At first, it was right after we moved here.  The other time was in the past few months.

Another thing was my hair was dark.  I think I liked it that way, but it was light when I was even younger.  It's too bad people with black hair some have a rough time, but in the end I came out okay and still have dark colored hair.  It does have some light tints, now.  It has had tints before.  I mean, it's not like see-through.  I've been lying in the tub.  It's like multi-colored.  Also, I use Sheer Blonde for the lightest shades and Radiant Red.

It seems I was pretty sensitive to things when I was little, like suggestions that seemed to pair with being half Chinese and part Native American.  I guess I didn't feel multi-talented enough, for some reason.  For some reason, I feel my life was a project to become European by keeping switching my lifestyle.  There are things in my life that were definitely right at the time but later wrong.

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