Sunday, July 22, 2012

Anyone who thinks I need to be punished doesn't know what they're doing.

Anyone who thinks I need to be punished doesn't know what they're doing.

This is the internet.  I can blog about what I want.

I'm an honest person, obviously, and I mean no one no harm.  A lot of people are mean to me.  Sure, I have thoughts against their actions, but I never taunt them and ruin their life.

People get mad at me for petty reasons.

I've had people do wrong things to me and still be accepted, whereas I was not.  Mostly, they probably have justified their reasons, however.  Usually, they never apologize and never change their ways.  I've seen them get in trouble a lot, these days, in a way.  It's funny how they don't have the will to take it back.

If someone bothers me, I can say something on the internet.  It's all because of that "n" word thing.  People just don't treat me right.  They just don't.  I can tell.  I mean exactly what I say.

I'm worried that some people can't take certain things others say.  See, that has never happened to me.  Maybe, it's people not from somewhere like Florida.  People in Florida solve their own problems and often make mistakes, depending on the area.

I guess I'm more upset about what I've done.  I just feel funny to be judged for being mad while I try to express myself.  I mean no harm.  What I say isn't altogether worthless.  I do know that a lot of people are very elaborate thinkers, though.  Maybe, it's time to move on.  I still feel that people want to get back at me.  I want to make them happy, but they want wrong things to happen.  Some of them may do it consciously, but others I don't know.  It's usually just "what" happens.  They know what they think.  I know some people aren't altogether quite there?  That's kinda cool, though!

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