Sunday, July 22, 2012

Upset and Didn't Know What to Do

I was suggesting because things were coming up that it seemed I wasn't as encouraged to enjoy my life and be in ballet or gymnastics because my brother was born and when I was little had a better life.  My mom would go to places maybe like the grocery store and when I was 2 to the mall.  We had Chick-fil-A and piña coladas without alcohol.  I remember going to an Asian store, too, and looking at the baby corn.  Not only was I in gymnastics, but I tried to look cute, like getting in the newsstand and doing headstands against the couch.  I spun around and did somersaults and backwardsaults.  I wanted to be thin, basically, but I'm not sure how I knew that would make me thin.  I ate pretty healthily.  I was introduced to things like soda and ice cream, I remember, at least the soda and more dessert, like toppings for different flavors of ice cream, when I was about 6 or 7.  I did gymnastics and baton and wasn't fat.  I was skinny.  My stomach wasn't that bony|curvy, though, and I don't think I'm happy about that.  It's still not.  My breast is kinda petite.  I feel I need rest to get rid of the fat around the middle of my body, but I am resting by not working and going to school and going anywhere and am jogging and going to the gym.  I like going to the gym with my dad, but my dad had a busy weekend, anyway.  I'm even wondering if I should take a break, but come time I may feel like going.  I'd like to sleep and read, too.

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